Trouble at the Swimming Pool

The pool around you ripples with sensuality.

A gorgeous woman standing in a hotel swimming pool
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe
This is part of a Choose Your Own Adventure story, ‘Vacation Roulette.’ Go back to the first chapter by Linden Schneider here. Or return to the previous chapter. Here is the chapter guide.

You’re completely naked and embracing a beautiful woman in a swimsuit.

The pool around you ripples with sensuality. Caught in the moment, you whisper, “Do you want to do more with me?”

To your surprise, Silvia stiffens, and then murmurs, “We can’t. You already have someone!”

Inwardly, you curse. “Yes, but you know how my partner is. Cold and dismissive and condescending. Why can’t you and I have some fun together?” You slowly slide your hands down her back; she’s clearly attracted to you and just needs to be honest about her feelings.

But Silvia pushes you away abruptly. She looks nervous as she says, “It’s not right. I’m sorry.” Silvia dips back under the water and begins to swim away.

Your first instinct is to swim after her, but you resist. It’s so humiliating to be turned down like that. And after you bore your soul to her as well. You thought she would understand.

Silvia soon climbs out of the water, dries herself with a towel from her bag, and puts on all her clothes. She exits the pool without even looking back at you.

Shame and anger course through you, especially as you’re stark naked and vulnerable in the pool. She didn’t even bother to say goodbye. Are you that ugly and undesirable?

You swim back to the deck and clamber out. You shiver from the cold.

But you can’t find your clothes anywhere. You can’t even find your bag. This is dire.

The chill air is brutal on your wet skin, so you don’t want to wander around this empty swimming pool. No matter how embarrassing it is, you’ll have to go outside and look for help.

Hopefully your partner will still be at the buffet, since you don’t have your phone or any money to use a pay phone. Maybe the hotel staff will be sympathetic.

With these thoughts in your head, you tiptoe out. When you reach the lobby, a woman screams at the sight of you. A man near her stares at you, his face torn between lust and amazement.

As you hurry through the crowd, with people staring, pointing, or even leering at you, you soon reach the buffet.

Of course, your partner is no longer sitting at your booth.

As you stand there, frozen in shock and indecision, a man nearby touches your shoulder. He presses close to your body, and whispers in your ear, “You’re so beautiful. Want to come up to my room? You must be cold.”

What do you do?

  1. Accept his offer.
  2. Refuse.