Trapped in Temptation

Your thoughts grow clouded with lust.

Trapped in Temptation
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe
This is a collaborative choose your own adventure story. Click here for the chapter guide. Go back to chapter 1 by Linden Schneider here. Return to the previous chapter here.

You decide to be blunt. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

The hotel room feels tense. And the large windows and the soft bed add to rather than take away from the dreadful atmosphere.

Sandra lifts her eyebrows, and she laughs. Her bosom quivers as if in mockery, and her voice is light. “It’s okay to look, you know? I won’t be offended. You’re hardly the first person who has ever hit on me.”

You recoil at that. “I’m not hitting on you,” you protest.

Sandra just shrugs. She purses her lips in a coy way. “Would your partner be upset if we had a bit of fun together? It occurred to me that you could be in an open relationship.”

You inch away from her. “We’re monogamous. Neither of us would appreciate it if the other strayed.”

But Sandra leans forward a little. Her eyes are mesmerising, like a vast ocean about to consume you. “Oh, honey bun, how you lie.” Her voice lowers to a whisper. “I know that you want me, baby. Don’t deny it.”

You shiver, wanting to reject her advances, because you’re faithful to your partner. Yet… Sandra is undeniably attractive, and with her this close, and even openly inviting you, your thoughts grow clouded with lust.

With a triumphant smile, she throws her arms around you and kisses you on the lips. You wonder what you’re doing, but it feels so good.

Before you know it, you’re lying naked under the covers. Sandra is enticingly beautiful. You wonder why you ever doubted her. Passion drives you on. A small part of you thinks this is wrong, but burning hot lust obscures any rational thought you might have had.

After your passion is over, and you lie satisfied in one another’s arms, you slowly come back to your senses. Even with a warm body pressed against yours, you feel cold.

Sandra rubs your hair and then your back. “What’s wrong, darling? Having regrets already?”

You try to disentangle yourself from her embrace, but she just clings on tighter. She whispers, “You’ve already had sex with me. There’s no turning back.” She purrs. “Now, you are mine. I give you two choices. Either leave your partner and be my pet, or stay with your partner but come to me in secret whenever I want you.”

What have you done?

You choose to:

  1. Leave your partner and become her pet.
  2. Stay with your partner but come to her in secret, whenever she desires you.
  3. Refuse to comply.