The Stairway of Ultraviolet Stones

This is how inspiration can feel

Interior of palace, full of golden, bright lights, and pinkish-violet carpets on the sweeping stairs.
Photo by VladimirNenezic on DepositPhotos

Marble and steel,
Quaking and real.
An astral diamond
Glitters in the moonlight of my soul,
That gorgeous, smooth night,
Where I lost my innocence
To eternity.

As I whirl away in the vibrant lily
Of maelstrom colors,
Fawns tread through the glowing garden,
Snowy lotions shimmer in the breeze,
Enticing you with its icy-sweet trails
Of marvelous joy.

Rivers of jewels sparkle before you,
And you hesitate–but only for a moment.
Why resist?  Why deny yourself?
Life is for the living!
Plunge through the pillows
Of crystal marbles,
Pools of limpid silver,
Molten gold, and lightning green.
A melting pot of luxuriant color
Blinds not just your eyes,
But also your mind.
Yet, you’re so drunk on the feeling,
Why would you ever want this happiness to stop?

Freedom shoots out like an ice-skater,
Wooing you with its twining, swirling moves.
Maybe this is all for show,
Or maybe it’s all real.
No one knows.
The hard ice below tells us nothing,
Except for the tracks slicing
Without mercy on its glinting surface.

If only we could lift up with the birds,
And catch up with the rivulets
Of shimmering thought.
Our thoughts are a thousand ponies,
Sweet and swift,
Graceful and turning,
They prance on the piano keys of our lives.

Are there times when you feel so inspired and excited, that you can hardly focus on anything? This poem expresses that frenetic, uncontrollable joy I feel when this happens.

During these moments, my creative fuel charges right up, but I can’t concentrate enough to work. So I have to wait till I calm down, or I can write directly about this euphoric feeling, which was how “The Stairway of Ultraviolet Stones” was born.