The Magical Dragon Ore
“Please, may I hide here with you? I’m being hunted.”

Deep in the mines lay a mysterious dragon ore, rumored to bring joy and prosperity to its owner.
A dragon, Celestina, played with her baby, Peche. They tossed the dragon ore like a ball.
A rumble sounded from above. Four dwarves burst into the tunnel. “The dragon ore! It’s mine!” “You idiot. There’s a dragon here. Run!”
Celestina burned them all without mercy.
One day, the creature that visited them wasn’t human, dwarf, elf, orc, or goblin. It was a phoenix. “Please, may I hide here with you? I’m being hunted.”
Celestina sympathized and said yes.
As time flew by, Celestina and the phoenix, Blue Fire, grew closer. Blue Fire became a second parent to Peche.
Blue Fire’s “hunter” eventually found them. It was her stepbrother, Ivory, a hauntingly beautiful phoenix. He demanded that she come home. Fear filled her, but she refused. Celestina fought him with fire and fang.
Ivory and Celestina became gravely injured. Peche mourned his parent, and Blue Fire wept. Her phoenix tears mixed with the dragon ore, and healed her beloved, Celestina. Ivory died from his wounds, as his sister didn’t love him and he was too proud to weep for anyone, not even himself.
This is a double drabble (exactly 200 words) written for Kathy K’s dragon drabble contest.
Originally published in The Pros and Cons on Feb 25, 2022