The Fire of the Phoenix

Remorse filled her.

A gorgeous phoenix in a fiery sky
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe

The phoenix, Aurora, scanned the horizon, fear curling in her stomach.

What she did was an accident, and her brother Lysandre died in the fire.

Yet, he had risen again, not as a phoenix reborn, but as a spectre.

Remorse filled her. But she was secretly glad he was dead.

This is my dribble (50 words) story for Bradan Writes Stories’s Seedling Challenge. Later, I will expand on this story in longer and longer lengths.

Click here to read the seedlings written by other authors!

The phoenix siblings, Aurora and Lysandre, originally came from this story: Rising From the Ashes.

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Originally published in The Kraken Lore on May 7, 2023