Rejecting Her Invitation

You watch her elegant form spearing through the clear water. But you shake your head.

Rejecting Her Invitation
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe
This is a collaborative choose your own adventure story. Click here for the chapter guide. Go back to chapter 1 by Linden Schneider here. Return to the previous chapter here.

Silvia looks so enticing in the pool, with her gleaming silver hair, and smooth skin shining with moisture. “Will you join me?” she asks in a velvety voice.

You imagine how it would be like to jump into the water with these clothes weighing you down. Or to strip naked in front of her before you dive in.

So you shake your head. “Sorry, I don’t have my swimming gear with me.”

Her eyes shadow with disappointment. But she nods and says, “Okay. Then be careful. And remember, don’t take any unnecessary risks!” With those parting words, she ducks her head under the water and begins swimming freestyle.

You watch her elegant form spearing through the clear water. But you shake your head again.

When you exit the swimming pool, you suddenly remember that you haven’t eaten anything from the buffet.

In fact, in your rush to follow Silvia, you dunked your plate into the dirty dishes rack. Bumping into her earlier, had toppled most of your food to the ground anyway.

Now famished, you sprint back to the buffet. Lunch is almost over so you hasten to grab some food and return to your booth.

To your dismay, your partner is missing. Though your bags are still on the seats. Typical. So careless and insensitive.

As you munch on some spaghetti, you text your partner:

Where the hell are you? The buffet is closing soon!

Even after your meal is done, you get no response. They haven’t even read your message.

With growing consternation, you wonder why you didn’t ask Silvia for her number earlier.

You consider calling Sandra instead, but you decide to hurry back to the hotel swimming pool first.

A security guard stops you. “Let me see your proof of booking.”

You rake your hands through your hair. “Oh gosh. I just want to talk to Silvia. She’s a very pretty lady with long, silver hair. She might still be swimming in the pool.”

But the guard gives you a smirk. “We all know who Silvia is. She already left, shortly after your departure.”

“Really?” You try to peer over his shoulder, but the glass is too foggy for you to see anything.

The guard glares at you. “If you don’t leave soon, I’ll call the manager.”

“And I’ll tell Silvia how rude you were to her guest.”

“I’d like to see you try.” The guard shows his teeth, which are ugly and yellow.

With one last glower at the guard, you rush away.

You check your phone but your partner still hasn’t read your message, for Christ’s sake.

What do you do?

  1. Call Sandra and question her.
  2. Look around the hotel for your partner.
  3. Go up to your room and wait for your significant other to come back.