Social Justice This Terrible Incident Is Why I Left Substack for Ghost I’m still shocked by what happened
Psychology Dare to Be the Happy Tortoise in the Mad Race of Life Some of us naturally move slower and that’s okay
Relationships I Defended My Crush and Feared That I Was Overreacting How do you know if you've done the right thing or not?
Fiction Ice Cold Heart (Anastasia the Nonbinary Dragon) Chap 16: Eventually, the pitch darkness was pierced open by the light in the distance.
Art The Controversy of AI Art in Book Cover Design What I learned after working with many designers on my book cover
LGBTQ Aromantics Can Desire a Loving and Sexual Non-Romantic Relationship Deep, intimate relationships beyond romantic love
Relationships If Most Relationships End in Tragedy and Heartbreak, Why Should We Even Bother? I’m sure I’m not alone in having this gloomy thought.
LGBTQ A Trans Person’s Delight in Swimming After Avoiding Pools for 10+ Years Swimming is a source of pleasure. I love the smooth, chilly freshness
Fiction Unpopular Together (Anastasia the Nonbinary Dragon) Chap 15: The red dragon bolted up through the sapphire sky; the sun shone with a shameless brightness.