Our Beautiful Sovereign (Anastasia the Nonbinary Dragon)

“Why are you so opposed to abolishing dragon rule? Didn’t you want there to be equality between species?”

Beautiful red dragon on top of a castle
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe
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“I need to speak to you, Ana,” Revi the gold dragon said when they finally had a moment free from the adults.

Anastasia the red dragon had been skulking off around a clump of bushes, brooding over the future, no doubt.

Ana’s ear cocked up at the sound of zir name, but ze didn’t turn around.

The gold dragon lumbered forward until he and Ana were face to face. Anastasia’s eyes narrowed. “What?” ze spat.

Revi gave zir a slight smile. “I know you’re not too happy with this situation, but I can help you.”

The red dragon’s eyes were wary. “Now that Queen Freya’s dead, and neither of my mothers want to rule, you’re pushing me towards the throne more than ever.” Ze stiffened zir lip. “And your ice unicorn friend wasn’t very helpful, either.”

Earlier, Ana had demanded Phaeton to tell them of Ero’s whereabouts. But Phaeton only said that Ero the calf-shifter was about to embark on something momentous and wasn’t in immediate danger.

Soon after, the ice unicorn lost interest in their company and darted back through a portal to who-knew-where.

Revi beat his wings with impatience. “All you care about is your cousin.”

Anastasia flashed zir fangs at him. “Ero is my family, after all, and I know my mothers are safe. I hate sitting around here with no idea how to find him.”

“I don’t think you need to worry that much,” Revi said haughtily. “It sounds like he knows what he’s doing. And Phaeton is a fae and can’t lie. If he says that Ero is not in immediate danger, then he isn’t.”

“That implies that Ero will be in danger later,” Ana countered.

“We’re always going to be in danger later,” Revi said. “But you can do something about it. If you take up the mantle, you’ll have the power to locate and protect your cousin.”

Anastasia’s tail slapped at the bushes behind zir, creating a loud rustle. A wisp of smoke came out of zir nostrils as ze growled, “I thought you said you could help me. But you’re just continuing to push your agenda. It’s surreal! You had been so adamant on me not ruling, but now you’re all for it!”

The gold dragon sighed and stared out at the long stalks of grass on the ground. “I hadn’t realized just how opposed your mothers would be to ruling. I thought Princess Teefa — ”

The red dragon shot him a sharp look. “What? What about Teefa?”

Revi winced, regretting bringing it up. But there was no backing down now. He boldly met Ana’s eyes and said, “Princess Teefa is a kind soul, and she gave me the impression that she would like to be a leader of sorts, to guide us all away from the rubble.”

“Yet I already told you that my mothers don’t want to rule.”

Revi shrugged his shoulders. “I said that was my impression. Perhaps I was wrong.”

The two teenage dragons fell silent.

Then Ana asked, “Why are you so opposed to abolishing dragon rule? Didn’t you want there to be equality between species? No matter how good the dragon ruler, the dragons would still have the most power, both physical and political.”

Revi patted his claws through the earth, thinking for a while. “I see what you mean, and your intentions are noble, Ana, they truly are. Yet there can’t be no order or structure. Society will fall apart if you just leave them be.”

Anastasia rumbled as ze shook zir head. “Order and structure … Are probably more of a prison than anything. In the end, we’re all trapped and unhappy.”

Revi was about to object when he heard a roar. It was Leyla, who had shifted back into a great green dragon. Teefa was back in her purple dragon form as well. The two dragons hovered in the air, while a black dragon larger than either of them faced them with a grin on his face.


A dragon as black as smog filled Ana’s vision.

Leyla snapped at him, “What are you doing here, Narwal?

The great dark dragon blew out a plume of smoke. His voice was cool and smug. “I was concerned about the fate of our queen. But I heard rumors that she has unfortunately died in the commotion.” Narwal’s sympathy could not possibly be faker. “What serendipity it is for me to find the princesses and the heir, Anastasia zirself.”

The black dragon swerved towards Ana, but Leyla blocked his way with a snarl. “Leave zir alone.”

The black dragon tossed his head. “I’m not going to hurt our future sovereign. I just wanted to get further acquainted with zir.”

Revi stepped up to subtly cover Ana from the black dragon’s view. “Why are you really here, Narwal?”

Anastasia scraped the soil beneath zir feet with some impatience. “Will you all just cut it out and let him speak first?”

Leyla and Teefa flinched. Revi’s glance was a little rueful, but he backed off and unblocked Ana’s view.

“Ha! I’m glad that our future ruler is so reasonable.” Narwal swooped and landed with a resounding thump on the grass in front of Ana. “My sovereign, you are much younger and prettier than I expected for our future ruler, but I’m sure you will do a splendid job at rebuilding and governing our kingdom.”

Anastasia stiffened a little, unsure of how much to tell him. Ze settled for something vague. “Thank you for your faith. I’m sure you wanted something more than just greeting me. Name your request.”

A smile spread across the other dragon’s lips. “Nothing I like more than a ruler who gets straight to the point.” The black dragon stretched to his full height, which was unnecessary, given Ana’s small size even for zir age. He said, “I request a place at your court, my sovereign, so that I will be able to contribute to the decisions as well.”

Ana saw Revi cast him a dirty look.

Anastasia leveled the black dragon with a glance. “I shall see. No promises.”

The black dragon had a smug face. “Good. I am at your disposal, Your Majesty.” He flicked his gaze over to the gold dragon. “And what is this little upstart doing?”

Revi bared his teeth.

Anastasia said, “He’s my friend. I can choose whomever I want at my court, Narwal.”

Narwal’s eyes were bright and incisive. “Of course, my sovereign. I just don’t think Revi is the best choice to include in your inner circle.”

Anastasia lifted zir chin. “Why are you judging him? We don’t know each other well, Narwal, and you already deem yourself worthy of joining my court.”

The gold dragon stepped closer to Ana, as if lending zir his support. Ana wasn’t scared, but appreciated Revi’s gesture.

“Your Majesty,” began Narwal again, “Revi is still a child, and does not bother to engage with other dragons, which makes him void of any connections or influence to help you. I, on the other hand, have extensive connections, and if you ever need it, I have plentiful gold and an army of dragons ready to march and do your bidding.”

Leyla screeched from behind, “Sure you have a lot of connections, Narwal, but they are shady ones. We don’t need them.” Beside her, Teefa listened to them in silence.

The black dragon laughed. “Shady connections indeed! Does Revi seem like an honorable connection? He appeared at the palace right before the earthquake destroyed everything. Even if he’s not connected to the earthquake, he sure brings foul luck.”

Anastasia tried to rein in zir temper. “I will not have my friends insulted like this. Unless you’re unaware, I’m even younger than Revi and don’t connect much with other dragons at all.”

The black dragon seemed amused. “Oh, my sovereign, you are different, for Queen Freya herself has named you her heir, and you are wise beyond your years. I advise you not to trust this gold dragon, but of course, your judgement reigns supreme.”

Narwal whipped his head around to peer at the two adult dragons behind him. “You will not regret my contributions. I will restore the power and glory to our kingdom!” He flapped his wings and shot to the air. “I will be back, My Sovereign, and I will be at your service.”

When the big black dragon flew away, Revi turned to Ana. “Are you finally agreeing to be our ruler?”

Anastasia gave him a distasteful look, ignoring the hope that kindled in his eyes. Ze said, “I promised nothing. I don’t trust Narwal. Goodness knows how he even located us. I just said what I could to put him off our tracks for now, while we decide what to do.” Ze paused. “And I didn’t like all the jibes he threw at you.”

Revi dipped his gold head. “Thank you for defending me, Ana. I am touched and honored.”

The red dragon shook zir head. “He was being rude. I wasn’t going to stand there and say nothing.”

Princess Teefa strode forward. She gently nuzzled Ana’s head. “Ana, don’t let Narwal push you into doing anything you don’t want to, all right? He might have a lot of connections and dragon power, but your mother and I have plenty, too. If you don’t want him, say the word and we’ll make sure he never gets to join us.”

Leyla nodded her head with vigor at this.

Anastasia’s gaze darted from zir mother Teefa, Leyla, and Revi. Ze said, “I can’t guarantee anything. But I will definitely be careful with Narwal.”

What Anastasia didn’t tell them, for reasons ze would not reveal, was that if ze did become ruler, ze fully intended to accept Narwal into zir court.

Stay tuned for the next chapter!