Jump into the Pool with the Gorgeous Woman

“I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I already feel comfortable with you. Isn’t that strange?”

Jump into the Pool with the Gorgeous Woman
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe
This is a collaborative choose your own adventure story. Click here for the chapter guide. Go back to chapter 1 by Linden Schneider here. Return to the previous chapter here.

Silvia’s voice is like velvet as she asks, “Will you join me?”

The beauty swims in the hotel pool, her burnished silver hair glistening with water. Her face is benign yet expectant.

You’re not sure where this will lead. But on impulse, you strip off your clothes and jump in, since your swimming gear is still in your luggage upstairs.

Silvia beams at you and wades closer, until your faces are inches apart.

She looks even more amazing up close. For a second, you think she’s about to kiss you, and a part of you hopes for it.

But she draws back as if restraining herself. Silvia grins in a friendly way regardless. “Vacation Roulette can be tough to go through, and I promise I will protect you as best as I can. But for now, let’s enjoy the pool and forget all our sorrows and worries.”

With that, she plunges her head back down, and begins to swim freestyle.

Your jaw drops, because you didn’t think she would literally be swimming. You thought she was — well, you don’t know what you were thinking.

So you command your body to relax, and settle into a leisurely breaststroke.

Since freestyle is much faster than breaststroke, and Silvia is a decent swimmer, she soon returns from the end of the pool and hurries towards you.

Your heart races when she approaches. When she is a short distance away, she stops and lifts her head with a smile. “Let’s swim backstroke together.”

Timid but excited, you nod. Silvia flips onto her back, and waits till you do the same. Then you both take off.

Somehow, Silvia manages to match your pace exactly. Occasionally you touch arms but she doesn’t seem to mind.

You’re so mesmerized by the experience of swimming backstroke with a beautiful girl, that you don’t even care to check when your head will hit the other end of the pool. Besides, Silvia will warn you when you’re there, right?

Silvia calls your name. “I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I already feel comfortable with you. Isn’t that strange?”

You don’t know what brought on her question, but you reply, “I feel pretty comfy with you too.” You’re struck that you’re both fit enough to swim backstroke and chat at the same time.

Silvia laughs and the sound is bright and lively. “I wish I could meet you in better circumstances, but we have to make the most of what we have.” Her voice lowers to a murmur that you can barely hear over the splashing water. “This pool is one of the few places Vacation Roulette, especially Sandra, will not monitor. I’ve taken this as my personal property that even Sandra cannot push back on.”

You gape. “You own this swimming pool?”

She laughs. “Technically yes. I co-own it with the hotel manager but he lets me use it however I wish. Aside from the private conference room that isn’t always available, this swimming pool is the best place for us to trade secrets. If we’re in the middle of the pool as we are now, we would be even safer. Oh, watch out.”

You gasp, and your hand touches the pool edge just in time to avoid bumping your head.

When you clutch the deck, you say, “Oh, so your ownership of the pool is why nobody else is here with us?”

Silvia smiles. “I do let others come in to swim sometimes, but not when I’m having a private audience, like I am with you.”

Emboldened, you chuckle and say, “I am honored. Do you also ask other people to strip and join you in the pool like this?”

To your amusement, Silvia blushes. “I’m sorry. Usually I give my guests more warning and ask them to bring their bathing suit for a swim. But I was worried that Sandra would get to you first and cast doubt on my words.”

“Oh? We could have just whispered on one of the deck chairs. Then we wouldn’t have to swim. I’m sure no one is listening through these thick walls.”

Silvia avoids your eyes. “True. I just..feel more relaxed when I swim, that’s all. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you.”

You both fall silent for a while. And you feel too aware of your own nakedness and what your partner may say if they saw. At the thought of your partner, your mind clouds with gloom.

Silvia nudges you. “What’s wrong?”

It melts something inside you when you hear the concern in her voice. You sigh. “Hope this isn’t too much information, but — I love my partner but sometimes they don’t take me seriously, like I’m just a child to them.”

You stiffen your shoulders, feeling insecure again. Vividly, you recall how Sandra flirted with your partner and how they seemed receptive to it. Yet, they had the gall to accuse you of being a jerk to Sandra.

Silvia says in a soft voice, “I’m sorry you have to experience that. For what it’s worth, you’re not alone. Too many people have partners who don’t respect them.” She pauses. “Do you want a hug?”

You’re surprised but you nod with gratitude.

Silvia embraces you while you’re still in the water. You close your eyes at how good this feels, to be comforted like this. And as you feel your nude body mold against hers, separated only by her thin swimsuit, desire seeps in you.

What do you do next?

  1. Thank her and say you need to go now. Better not give in to any temptations, as kind as she is.
  2. Ask her if she wants to do more with you.