Faintly Blissful and Aware

A poem

A majestic waterfall crashing into a pool, with a beautiful sunset in the background.
Photo by mac_sim on DepositPhotos. Author has standard license to use photo for commercial purposes.

A violet drifts above your head,
Across a water shadow where you were born.
Old wolves snarl nearby,
Snapping without sympathy.
Yet, I dip my finger into a pool,
A pouring brook, so keen and fresh.
Perhaps we can ride the cascade together,
And surge out triumphant
On the other end.

A star of mourning passes us by,
But we feel happy.
You and I transform into beasts,
Running through thick snow,
Streaking through the ice of fables,
Stirring and satisfying.

Healing prisms pulse like a chrysalis,
Both granting and absorbing our energy.
The magical air keeps us transfixed
In our stubborn tracks.
Blue lightning and meteorites
Soar above our heads,
But we pay no heed.
We would be aloof and fearless together.

Floating palms waver around our eyes,
Tempting us to stray,
Not from each other,
But from our hope.
Empty silences and drawn-out wishes,
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe,
Showing a theatre of poignant forms,
Holding our tears, fears, laughter, and joy,
Everything we could push into envelopes.
Magnificent hearts and transparent souls,
We take our sustenance from the ether,
Just like the finest vampires.

But we plunge into the sad depths,
Only to fly back up again
Into an onyx, entrenched castle.
Morphing takes energy,
Just as talking to you doesn’t.
Liquid lilies meander
Like the deepest sea creatures.
If you believe in destiny, calm these waters,
And listen to the current.

Rain slides down
Our unsuspecting faces.
We smile,
Though we have no clue
What we truly wish for.

Virtuoso is but a word,
Until we start to weave it together,
Composing a song,
Letting it flow
Like a current of night,
Exciting and life-giving,
Filling us with electric delight.
We’re co-conspirators,
Glowing lanterns in the dark,
Moonbeam crayons tracing the fathomless sky,
Tinsels of silver stars,
Soft as what I feel for you.

A murmur of rapids
Falls from above,
We’ll do our best to ignore it,
While we carry on,
Faintly blissful and aware.

If you enjoyed this poem, check out some of my other poetry here!