An Innocent Question About Tomorrow

She runs a hand through her luscious blond hair, still damp from the shower.

An Innocent Question About Tomorrow
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe
This is a collaborative choose your own adventure story. Click here for the chapter guide. Go back to chapter 1 by Linden Schneider here. Return to the previous chapter here.

You’re alone in the hotel room with Sandra, who may or may not be a killer.

“I want to know what we’re doing tomorrow,” you say.

Sandra blinks, as if she expected a different response. But she grins, and she runs a hand through her luscious blond hair, still damp from the shower. “Are you asking about the trip, or about something else?”

Rubbing your neck, you laugh awkwardly. “If not about the trip, what else would I be talking about?”

The gorgeous woman gives you a meaningful look, as though she’s capturing every detail. She leans closer and you gasp at the sight of her cleavage. As you glance away, she says with a purr, “Do you like what you see? It’s okay to look, you know?”

Without thinking, you do look back, and her eyes are inviting. You take a deep breath and put your hands behind your back, afraid of what you might do if you’re not careful.

But Sandra reaches out, pulls your hands back in front of you. She kneads your hands in an intimate manner. Her voice is so soft. “Oh, honey, are you lonely? Is your partner not treating you right?”

Wow, how did you get to this point? But despite your professed loyalty to your partner, you think about all the times you wished your partner were more available and affectionate.

You always brushed it off as them being busy or inattentive, and tried not to take it too personally. But Sandra’s words tap into your insecurities.

As if she can read this all on your face, she continues, “You poor, sweet thing. I knew it. I could tell that you were being neglected, that you deserve better.”

Your breathing grows heavy, and you stare into her eyes, mesmerized.

Sandra puts a hand on your cheek, and strokes it, like she’s caressing a rare bolt of silk. Slowly, she moves her face towards yours.

In a weak voice, you squeak out, “So what are we doing for tomorrow’s trip?”

Sandra laughs. “Why worry about tomorrow when you can enjoy today?” With that, she closes the gap between you and presses your lips together.

For a moment, you feel like you’re drowning. But not long after, you marvel at how good it feels, and how long it’s been since your partner kissed you like this.

With a dwindling resolve, you push her away and whisper, “No, we can’t do this. I already have someone.”

Sandra looks at you as if in pity. “I know you do, but they don’t deserve you, do they?” She covers your mouth with hers again, and this time you don’t resist.

Regardless of how you feel about her as a person, you know how you feel about her body. The woman presses you down onto the bed, and peppers you with more kisses. You are breathless.

More and more happens, until you stop thinking entirely, and rely purely on instinct, enjoying every second of this union.

When you’re both spent and blissful, you wrap your arms around her waist. You’re unwilling to let go of this treasured moment.

Sandra strokes your hair with affection. “Mmmm! Your enthusiasm shocks me. You don’t regret having sex with me?”

With your head buried in her shoulder, you mumble, “No, I enjoyed it too much. And you’re right. I was lonely. My partner doesn’t give me what I need, not anymore.”

“And what do you want?” She purrs.

“You. I want you,” you whisper.

Sandra’s laughter is like the chiming of bells. So pretty and startling. “If what you say is sincere, you can text or call anytime you want to have me.”

You pull away for a moment to peer at her face. “You’re not making fun of me, are you? You mean it that I can call or text you at anytime, and I can come over?”

Sandra titters with delight. “No, I’m not making fun of you. Yes, I mean it, you poor baby. Let me satisfy you, hmm?”

“But what about my partner?” you ask.

The gorgeous woman in bed with you raises her brow. “Why should you care about them now that you’ve got me?”

You sigh. “Well, they’re still with me. I can’t just pretend that they don’t exist.”

Sandra stares at you, and she says slowly, “You can always break up with your partner. Or, you can stay with them and come see me in secret. Your choice.”

What do you do?

  1. Break up with your partner.
  2. Stay with your partner but see Sandra in secret.
  3. Dump Sandra. This was all a mistake.